Walter's ecology blog

My theory is that ecology is one of the most important things to defend in the world today but it is only possible if it is made possible for human beings and not only for perfect people. That's why I start this blog. I would like to share what I do and hopefully get cool input from you on what you do for a better planet. That is what I call ecology for normal people. :)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Save water and energy

I started thinking lately, also because the energy prices are climbing, how to spare energy and fossil energy especially.

A friend of mine recommended me the following website. It's in Switzerland but I will try to find out about other countries.

The WWF is sponsoring a program for reduction of water consumption through specific gears to connect to your shower, sink or toilets. They are called Aqua-clic and can spare you up to 50% of your water (and what you use to heat it):

I just installed the little stuff for the sink and the shower and ordered the reducers for the toilet. I will keep you posted on how much I spare.


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