Walter's ecology blog

My theory is that ecology is one of the most important things to defend in the world today but it is only possible if it is made possible for human beings and not only for perfect people. That's why I start this blog. I would like to share what I do and hopefully get cool input from you on what you do for a better planet. That is what I call ecology for normal people. :)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Silly waste of energy

Since 3 years that I'm leaving in this apartment I was convinced that the regulation system of my heating system would prevent waste of energy during summer time when heating is not required. How wrong I was! See bellow...

Average consumption of gas last year per month (flat over the year, no winter/summer difference) : 209.24 m3 per month

Average consumption of gas since I turned off the heating system : 138 m3 per month

Average consumption of gas since I turned off the water circulation in the radiators: 40 m3 per month.

Hell! I'm pissed-off by myself for having wasted that much energy (and money)!

So think about it if you have a similar heating system...

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